
Getting a NVME card ready

    Ok, the next challenge. Installing the software Now there are an easy way to do this, and hard ways. This is the hard way. Why not take the easy way?  Well, you may have noticed, people like me are masochists looking for a hit. This is what keeps us going. Also, this is the learning curve. It is all very good, to have tools automate everything, but when the poo hits the rotating object, it is good to know why things work We will break down this into 3 stages 1. Install the Pi OS 2.  Get the M.2 NVME board recognized 3. Install the Pi OS onto it To do this, I largely followed To do this, I followed this tutorial . However, there were some issues, so we will work through them Step 1.Install Pi OS   Note: you must do this step before you build your Argon box, because you cannot access SD card slot from outside the case    Note:  use a reasonable size card (e.g 32 GB) since we need to load an OS image onto it The 1st step is to install our initial Pi OS. To start with, we mu